The best way to learn about bitcoin, and CryptoPros, is to jump in and get a few “coins” in your wallet. This is about the best way to to get a feel for how they work, and you can do it for as little as $2.

Bitcoin, and “cryptocurrencies” in general, are not difficult to learn, and it’s not dangerous as a lot of naysayers would have you believe.

As a matter of fact, making money with bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is a lot easier — and safer — than opening a traditional bank account.

AND, I can show you how to do it for FREE! (More on that later.)

Crypto, and “bitcoin” is totally independent of the central banks, which is why it’s safe, because they can’t “hack” you. Now, you can pay someone, or get paid, with cryptocurrencies without having a “middle-man” like VISA, MasterCard, or PayPal, or one of the many other processing companies involved.

Not only can you stack up some bitcoin in your wallet, but you can also make a lot of money with it, without having to put a lot of money into it.

With CryptoPros you can get started for free when you get your $10 bonus from CoinBase. And if you already have a CoinBase account, no problem: just invite one of your friends to CoinBase and you will both get $10 to use.

CryptoPros is simply a front end advertising platform where you can advertise your business, and get paid in cryptocurrency, or Bitcoin. They have a 2 by 2 x 20 matrix that pays you a potential $94,371.75 PER MATRIX POSITION.

Can you get paid in “fiat” money, like USD, Euro, or another currency?

Sure! All you have to do is move your money from your “cash” wallet back to your crypto (or Bitcoin) wallet, then back to your bank in whatever fiat currency you use.

This is really becoming quite popular in the Philippines, and many Third World Countries, because even the poorest of the poor can now make money with bitcoin.

Even if they’re so poor broke that they can’t afford the $2 to get started, there is always someone who can “Pay It Forward” and help them get started… or, they can set up a free CoinBase account and get $10!

It’s to many members’ advantage to “buy” their team by PIF’ing people into their matrix (downline).

There are a few things to learn about setting up and using a crypto wallet, learning how to send and receive money, learning how to buy bitcoin from a person or an exchange, but there are a lot of “savvy” members who can help you get started making money in your first week.


Before getting started, you will need to do two (2) things:

1.) Sign up with CryptoPros, and

2.) Get your free CoinBase wallet. Sign up through this link and you’ll get $10 just for joining.

Use the $10 that CoinBase gives you to purchase your positions in CryptoPros.

Do you see how easy it is to get started with NO MONEY DOWN?

Absolutely NO MONEY out of your pocket!

When you register at CryptoPros and CoinBase, you will need to check your email for confirmation links to get your accounts approved.

Make sure to check your spam folders if they don’t show up in your inbox.

It’s free to set up, and you don’t need to pay anything to get started.

Once you have your accounts set up, the next thing you’ll need to do is watch the training videos in the CryptoPros back office that show you, step by step, how to get get going, and how to buy your positions.

And since you will have $10 in your CoinBase account, you can use that to purchase your first 5 ad packs. Once you have 5 ad packs, you should be well on your way to “stacking” up some money in your cash wallet.

We have members on our team that are making over $10,000 a week doing this, because they went in with more than 5 packs.

But let’s do some math:

You have the potential to make $94,371.75 with just one position. (See the comp plan in the CryptoPros back office.)

If you have 5 positions running at the end of the month, you have the potential of making 5 X $94,371.75 or $471,858.75

Okay… not everybody is going to do what you do, so even if only half of them did what you did, that would still be pretty good money ($235,929.38).

Not bad for a short 20 weeks (5 months)!

Even half of that is $117,964.69!

Not too shabby for sitting around, working 2 minutes each week, buying a position every “Bronze Friday”.

Now, what would you do if you had 3, 5, or 7 two dollar positions each week?

What could you do if you started buying 15, or more, positions each week?

And, we haven’t EVEN started talking about the Platinum positions! (Those pay out even more!)

Each Platinum position has the potential of making your more than $400,000 in less than 6 months!

What would you do with 5, or even 10, Platinum positions?

Are you starting to see the “Big Picture”?

Now, I’m not going to promise that you’re going to make this kind of money, because not everybody who signs up under you is going to hustle like you do.

(I know you won’t be able to keep this a secret to yourself, and you’ll probably tell everybody you know about it…)

But, that’s okay. You can do that by sharing it with others, or you can advertise. You’ll certainly have enough money by the end of your first month to afford your own advertising.

And all this by starting off with NO MONEY out of your own pocket!

Who would have thought something like this would come along?

I know what you’re thinking: you’re sitting there rolling your eyes, thinking “this is too good to be true.”

No… it’s not. It’s work. But you don’t have to bust your ass and be a frickin’ genius to do this.

All you have to do is follow instructions.

(I have a 10 year old step-son in the Philippines that is doing this! If he can do it, so can you!)

Getting Your First Bitcoins

Usually people set up a crypto wallet at places like CoinBase, or another cryptocurrency wallet provider.

I chose CoinBase because it’s really the easiest to use and learn. Even a baboon could do this.

When you set up your account with CoinBase, you’ll see my name on the landing page, “Ernest Andrew“. You’ll know you’re being referred by me.

When you get your confirmation email, you’ll click on the confirmation link, where you can log in, and finish up your registration.

Soon after you’re registration is completed, you’ll get $10 into your CoinBase wallet, and you can start using that to purchase your first ad pack with CryptoPros.

The rest of it is simple: once you log into your new CryptoPros account, go to the training section in the back office and watch the videos. It REALLY is just that simple… and easy.

To read my previous article about making money with CryptoPros, CoinBase and BitCoin, click here.

By admin