The demand for legitimate home based businesses continues to increase as more and more entrepreneurial minded individuals look for ways to supplement their income. Some are full time stay at home moms and dads, where one spouse may be working in a job, and the other spouse stays home to take care of the kids.

It’s not too uncommon to see a wife working a job and the dad working from home, and vice versa. It’s also not uncommon to see both spouses working from home, because the work at home (work from home) sector has become popular over the past 30 years. It’s no longer a “cottage industry” but has become the choice of many companies for their employees to work “remote”.  Some of these companies sometimes even provide the computers and phones for their employees to perform their duties, and maintain their internet connections.

But there are “requirements” even in the “work from home” industry as employers expect their contractors and employees to adhere to a schedule, and a dedicated regimen free of distractions, interruptions, and upheavals in the work flow. Employees and contractors who work from home are expected to “deliver” results as much as they would if they were working in an office environment at the company headquarters.

That means that they must have a professional environment where the babies are not crawling around on the floor at mommy’s feet while she is on the phone with a customer.

Determining the legitimacy of the myriad offers you find on the internet nowadays demands that you do your homework — your “due diligence” — and make sure that whatever you get involved with, is legitimate and legal.

Many retirees and “Baby Boomers” have transitioned into working “remote” via the internet in order to supplement their retirement, pensions or social security, or replace the full time job they currently have. In addition to working a part time job at, let’s say, Walmart, as a cashier or door greeter, many retirees are looking into the affiliate marketing arena to make an additional paycheck.

Work From Home Jobs For Moms – Resources and Information

The world of a full time mom or dad is full. They’re busy with kids, taking care of the home, and providing family members with the care and support that they need. They cook, they clean, they mow the yard, and multi-task. They sometimes find something to do on the internet for that “spare time” they get when they put the kids down for a nap.

The recent turn in the economy has increased the need for additional income, and many full time moms may be finding themselves looking for legitimate work from home jobs.

The following resources can assist the full time mom, stay at home dad, or entrepreneurial minded individual by providing information that they can access, to complete their due diligence and research.

Work at home jobs for moms are available, but how do you know whether the opportunity you are looking at is a legitimate one?

Resources and Reviews – Quick Resources You Can Utilize

Work At Home Moms – The following forum boards cater to work at home moms and dads, by providing links to legitimate work at home jobs and opportunities.

Networking Sites – Get online and mingle!

Networking and Social Networking websites are a great resource for finding legitimate work online.

Here are a few to check out:

In addition to the resources named above, information can also be found online by conducting a search on Google for the keywords “Work From Home Jobs For Moms”.

Additional Income Resources

Travel Careers: There are several work from home jobs for moms and dads that allow you to tap into the entrepreneurial spirit, and offer a legitimate home based business. By “setting up shop” online, they can have an affiliate business with a booking company and make a commission off of each flight that is booked through their affiliate site. The only thing they have to do after they set up their affiliate business is to get traffic, and BUYERS, to their site.

The online travel industry is seeing a spike in growth, with over 70% of all travel being booked online. Despite current economic conditions, travel continues to grow 23% faster than the global economy, and will double within the next decade.

Health industry: The health industry continues to show record breaking profits, as the baby boomers begin to retire. There are several health industry related home based businesses that offer work from home for moms and dads, even grandparents, with the ability to earn an extra income.

Health and Beauty – Weight Loss / Management – Makeup and Skin Care: Profitable, and continues to grow. Weight Loss, Makeup and Skin Care Products are consumables, creating a repeat client base and a residual income. The Makeup and Skin Care industries offer a terrific income opportunity with consistent part time effort.

Multi Level Marketing (MLM) companies abound in a variety of industries, and one of the few legitimate companies I’ve found is at Skinny Body Care ( and that offers a “Buy 3 Get 3 Free” package, along with the option to become a distributor and start making a paycheck within their first week with paid members in their team.

If you’ve had any experience with MLM, you’ll immediately recognize the opportunity that exists with Skinny Body Care. Watch their 5 minute video at and sign up to take their free test drive.

What To Do When You Start A Work At Home Business?

You’ll need a good resource for traffic. In addition the resource links above, you’ll also need a good directory where everything is located in one place. The Directory Of Ezines is the only resource I trust for my advertising. There are tons of other resources and classified ad sites on the internet in addition to the Directory of Ezines, and you’re welcome to check them all out.

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