Introducing Hanbyul (Hans) Requedan Calderon
Would you help me send this young boy to medical school? He needs to finish elementary, middle school, high school and college to come to America for his medical school education. We are trying to raise only $250,000 USD because $20K goes a long way in the Philippines.
Ever since COVID-19 put the Philippines on quarantine, along with the rest of the world, he has had to be home schooled by his aunties. His aunties have had to go to his school on a weekly basis to process his learning modules, as this is the system that was adapted by the Philippine Education Department.
Modular learning is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd. The modules include sections on motivation and assessment that serve as a complete guide of both teachers’ and students’ desired competencies. Teachers will monitor the learners’ progress through home visits (following social distancing protocols) and feedback mechanisms, and guide those who need special attention.
When he finishes his primary and secondary education in the Philippines, he wants to come to the United States to study medicine or engineering. Young boys have big dreams, and his goals can change over time as he matures, but you could be a big part in him realizing his dreams.
He has great potential to become a great person, and be a big change in a positive way to help his mama and his siblings. He has two brothers and two sisters, and he is the oldest of five children. Donations for Hans would be an investment in his education so that he can study and become a talented professional, and then he could give back by helping his mama and his siblings.
All donations will be placed in a trust fund at City Bank in Lubbock, Texas, USA, and will be distributed to his schooling and support.
Any donations appreciated. This boy makes straight A’s in school and has a lot of potential to become a great doctor!
Thank you for reading,
Ernest O’Dell
Lubbock, Texas, USA
 Click Here To Donate On GoFundMe